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API RP 577:2004 pdf download

API RP 577:2004 pdf download.Welding Inspection and Metallurgy.
a. Toughness of base metal, weld metal, and hAL.
b. Limitations of welding process.
c. Limitations of filler metals and fluxes.
d. Critical joini geometries.
e. Limitations on preheat.
f. Limitations on priur
g. Limitations on weld metal hardness.
h. Limitations on the chemical composition of base metal
and filler metal.
These requirements should be reflected in the WPS.
The format of the WPS is not fixed, provided it addresses all essential and nonessential variables (and supplementary essential variables when necessary). An example form is available in ASM[ Section IX. Appendix B.
The WPS shall be available for review by the Inspector. Since it provides the limits the welder is responsible for staying within, it should be available to the welder as well.
The PQR records the essential and nonessential variables used to weld a test coupon. the coupon test results, and the manufacturer’s certification of accuracy in the qualification of a WPS. Record of the nonessential variables used during the welding of the test coupon is optional.
Section IX requires that the manufacturer or contractor supervise the production of the test weldmerits and certify that the PQR properly qualifies the welding procedure. however, other groups may perform sample preparation and testing. Mechanical tests are required to qualify a welding procedure to demonstrate the properties of the weldment. Test sample selection and testing requirements are defined in Section IX. Typically, they will include tension test to determine the ultimate strength of a groove weld, guided bend tests to determine the dcgrcc of soundness and ductility of a groove weld, notch toughness testing when toughness requirements arc imposed. and hardness measurements when hardness restrictions are defined. If any test specimen fails, the test coupon fails and a new coupon will be required.
The format of the PQR is not fixed, provided it addresses all essential variables (and supplementary essential variables when ncccssaiy). An example form is available in ASME Section IX. Appendix H.
The PQR should accompany the WPS and be available for review by the Inspector upon request. It does not need to be available to the welder. One PQR may support sccraI WPSs One WPS may be qualified by more than one PQR within the limitations of the code.
Inspectors shall review the WPS and PQR to verify they are acceptable for the welding to be done. While there are many ways to review a welding procedure. the most effective one utilizes a systematic approach that assures a complete and thorough review of the ws and PQR to verify that all Section IX and construction and repair code requirements have been satisfIed.
The initial step is to verify the WPS has been properly completed and addresses the requirements of Section IX and the construction!repair code. The second step is to verify the PQR has been properly completed and addresses all the requirements of Section IX and the construction and repair code. The third step is to confirm the PQR essential variable values properly support the range specified in the WPS.
For simplicity purposes. the following list is for a single weld process on the WPS when notch oughness is not a requirement.

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