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API RP 5C6:2006 pdf download

API RP 5C6:2006 pdf download.Welding Connections to Pipe.
3.27 radiographic examination; The use of s-rays or nuclear radiation, or both. to detect discontinuities in material and to present their images on a recording medium.
3.28 squareness: A measurement of thc conncctor with rcspcct to thc pipe axis adjaccnt to the pipe cnd.
3.29 weld: A kiealied coalescence of metals produced either by heating the materials to the welding temperature, with or without the application of pressure and with or without the use of tiller metal.
3.30 weld reinforcement: Weld metal in excess of the quantity required to till a joint sometimes referred to as the weld cap on the 0.1), and weld protrusion on the ID.
3.31 welded attachments: Attachments are equipment such as liii wycs and handling pads described on the purchase order to supplement standard design of connccior to pipe.
3.32 welding consumables: Materiak added to the coalescence of base metal (weld) that directly atrect the weld metal’s pruperlies
3.33 weldIng procedure qualification record (POR): A record of the welding data used to weld a test coupon. The PQR is a record ofvanablcs recorded during the welding of the test coupons.
3.34 welding procedure specification (WPS): A written qualified welding procedure prepared to provide direction for making production weid&
3.35 visual examination: The primary es’aluatiun of the fabrication weld joint. Visual aids and gauges are sometimes used. Inspection olwelds usually includes quantitative as well as quality assessment of the joint.
3.36 welder performance qualificatIon (WPQ): The qualification of a welder or welding operator. Thc qualification requires the welder or welding operator to weld a test coupon in accordance with the WPS. The test coupon is then tested in accordance with the applicable welding code. The qualitkation limitations are provided in the requirements of the applicable welding code.
4 Materials Information Requirements
When materials (pipe or connectors) are lltrnished by the purchaser, they should be accompanied by traceable material test reports or data sheets stating chemical analysis. heat treahnen condition and mechanical properties to allow for selection of welding procedure specifications by the fabricator.
4.2 PIPE
4.2.1 Pipe may be supplied by the fabricator or the purchaser. as specified in the purchase order.
4.2.2 Pipe may be any of the folknsing as specified in the purchase order;
a. Pipe manufactured in accordance with API Specification 5L.
b. Pipe manufactured in accordance with API Specification 5(1’.
c. Pipe manufactured in accordance with other industry, national, or international standards e.g.. ASTM. BS, ISO) or with modifications to specifications or standards, as specified in the purchase order.
4.2.3 For API Specification 51. grades with spccificd minimum yield strength of 60 ksi and higher, the tbllowing additional information regarding pipe manufacturing shall be provided:
a. Process of manufacture (e.g.. controlled rolling).
b. Specific processing temperature ranges. if applicable
c. Specific heat treatment temperatures, if applicable.
4.3.1 Connectors may be supplied by the fabricator or the purchaser, as specified in the purchase order.
Results of testing shall comply to the applicable specified suppleinentaiy requirement. Refer to Supplements SR 27 and SR 28.
5.6.1 If PWHT is specified by the WPS. all PQR lesüng shall be done with the test weidment in the posiweld heat treatment condition. PWIIT shall be performed in accordance with the fabricator’s WPS or the written procedure. Eloth furnace and locai resistance type PWHT methids shall by considered acceptable. Healing by direct flame Impingement shall not he permitted.
5.6.2 The PWI IT procedure or WPS shall specify the applicable PWIIT temperature range and time at tempeniture.
5.6.3 When SR 35 is specified on die purchase order. PFIWT shall he in compliance with NACE MROI 75.
6 Welder and Welding Operator Qualification
Welders and welding operatoni shall be qualified in accordance with Article Ill of the ASME Code. Section IX.
Recuids of we Wing performance qualification (WPQ) shall include all essential welding sanables and qualified ranges, as speci. fled in ASME Code. Section IX.
7 Production Welding Controls
Welding shall be in accordance with qualified WPS and should be performed by qualified welders or welding openuors.
V.elden and welding operators shall have access to and should comply with the welding psmiineters specified in the WPS.
Prehciiiing, when reqiiiwcsh. shiill he pei*irmcd in accordance with the WPS or other written pioceiiures or specifications.
7.4 FIT-UP
The weld joint fit-up shall take into account squareness. The fahñcator shall develop a procedure fbr fit-up methods, SR 34 of this document provides an optional alignment procedure suitable to med the intent of this recommended practice.

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