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API RP 70:2003 pdf download

API RP 70:2003 pdf download.Security for Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Operations.
7 Definitions
7.1 contractor. The individual, partnership. firm, or corporation that is hired to do a specifie job or service, such as a production operator, dilling or well servicing contactor or to provide contract employees to an owmerloperator, a contractor is also the individual, pertnership. fim, or corporation retained by the owmer or operator to perfom other work or provide supplies or equipment The term contractor shall also include subcontractors.
7.2 facility: Any artifcial island, installation, or other device permanently or temporarily attached to the subsoil or scabed of ofTshore locations, crected for the purpose of exploring for, developing. or producing oil, natural gas or mineral resources This definition inchudes mobile ofshore dilling units (MODUs), but does not include pipelines or deepwater ports.
7.3 facility ownerloperator. The individual, partnership, firm, or corporation having control or management of offshore operations. The owner/operator may be a lessee, designated agent of the lssce(s), or holder of operating rights under an operating agreement
7.4 point of embarkation: The heliport or dock facility from which personnel and materials are shipped to or received from the ofTshore facility.
7.5 security vulnerability assessment (SVA): A seCondary evaluation that examines a facility’s characteristics and operations to identify potential threats or vulnerabilities and existing and prospective security measures and procedures designed to protect a facility
8 Company Security Officer (CSO)
The CSO is responsible for the maintenance of the security plan. The CSO shall have access relevant security information. The CSO shall detemine which information, and by what mcans, it is communicated The CSO, in consultation with senior management, may require certain security measures, including restriction of operations or evacuation. Other CSO responsibilitics include coordination with applicable regulatory and law enforcement agencies and managing the sccurity training function, as applicable Additionally, the CSO may communicate with other entities (contractors, operators, partners, third purties, etc.) in regards to a coordinated approach to the security plan or a specific sccurity concem.
The CSO may delegate duties as nccessary to assure timely completion of responsibilities. The CSO may be assigned other dutics and responsibilities unrelated to security. If warranted, consideration should be given to assigning an alter.

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