Home>API standards>API RP 75:2004(R2013) pdf download

API RP 75:2004(R2013) pdf download

API RP 75:2004(R2013) pdf download.Recommended Practice for Development of a Safety and
Environmental Management Program for Offshore Operations and Facilities.
‘The management program should establish procedures to identify and control haiards associated with change and maintain the accuracy of safely information. A facility is sub. ject to continual change to increase efliciency. improve operability and safety, accommodate technical innovatson, and implement mechanical improvements. On occasion, temporary. repain. connections, bypasses, or other modifications may he made out of operating necessity. Any of these changes can introduce new hazards or compromise the safeguards built into the original design. Care must be taken to understand the process. facility, and personnel safety and environmental implications of any changes. Although some changes may be minor with little likelihood of contpromising safely or ens irunmental protection, all changes may have the potential for disruption. injury. or business loss,
Change in bcilitic’. arises s hcovci the lwts.cs or issechanical design. as described in Section 2, is altered, Change in facilities may also occur as a result of changes in produced fluids, process additives, product specifications, byproducts or waste products. design inventories. instrunw’nta• Lion and control systems, or materials of constniction, Typical instances in which change in facilities would likely occur include the following:
a Construction of new production or process facilities,
lx New facility projects that involve production or process lie-ins to existing facilities, equipment reconfiguration. or niodihcation of existing facilities/equipment.
c. Modification of existing facilities that result in changes to facility or equipment design. structural support. layout. or configuration
d. Projects to increase facility throughput or accommodate different produced fluids.
e. Significant changes in operating conditions, including pressures, temperatures. (low rates, or process conditions different from those in the original process or mechanical design.
I’. Equipment changes. including the addition of new equipnsent or modifications of existing equipmeitt These can include changes in alanns. instrumentation, and control schemes
g. Modifications of the process or equipment that cause changes in the facility’s pressure relief requirements. These can include increased process throughput, operation at higher teitiperatures or pressures. increased size of equipment. or the addition of equipment that might contribute to greater pressure relict requirements.
h. Bypass connections around equipment that is normally in sen.ict, I Operations outside the scope of current written operating procedures, including procedures for stafl-up. nomial shin- down, and emergency shutdown.
j. Changes made in the process or mechanical design is in operating procedures that result from a hazards analysis performed as described in Section 3. “Fla,atds Analysis.”
1.. Introduction of new or different process chemicals (for esample. corrusion control agents, anti-foulanis. anti-foam agents), drilling muds or workoser/completion fluids.
I. Change in facilities may include mechanical changes that would not necessarily appear on a process and instrument diagram, including drilling and cons*niction equipment and temporary connections or replaced components that ive “not in kind,” such as:
I- Replacement equipment or machinery that differs in specifications from the original equipment or previously approsed modification,
2- Temput-.a’y piping. connections, pipe repairs. or hoses.
3. An alternate supply of pruces.s materials, catalysts, cw reactants, such as temporary tanks or drums located within the facility,
4. Tentporary electrical equiptnent or utility connections. other than hr emergency situations.
5. Modifications to drilling disener system that have not been previously approved.
6. Modifications to blossout prestnters (BOPs) that have not been previously approved.
7. Modifications to drilling top drives that have not been previously approved.

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