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API Spec 1581:2002 pdf download

L is the distance from the deck plate or manifold to the lid opening,
D is the inside diameter of the vessel. Spacing ofelements
The layout of elements in the vessel shall provide a minimum clearance of 6,5 mm (0,25 inch) between elements and the vessel wall. New vessels shall have at least 13 mm (0,5 inch) clearance between elements and the vessel wall. The centre-to-centre distance between elements shall not be less than 15,9 cm (6,25 inches) and no surface shall be closer than 6,5 mm (0,25 inch) from the surface of another element. For new vessels. the centre-to-centre distance between elements shall be no less than 16,5 cm (6,5 inches). Gaskets
All gaskets in new vessels shall be composed of Viton A, Buna N or equivalent material meeting accepted industry standards or military specifications. Rubberimpregnated cork gaskets are acceptable in existing vessels that were designed to use them.
Note: Cork gaskets and gaskets containing asbestos are not acceptable. Exterior
The exterior of the vessel shall be cleaned to remove all dirt, grease, rust, and loose mill scale, and one coat of an approved metal primer shall be applied, unless otherwise specified. All nameplates, gauges, and the like shall be masked before painting. A head lift retaining device shall be fitted on all vessels 46 cm (1 8 inches) diameter and larger. Platforms
Work platforms shall be provided where necessary to permit elements to be replaced safely. The work platform shall be provided by the installation contractor unless otherwise agreed by the manufacturer and purchaser.
3,2,2.19 New vessel cleanliness
New vessels shall be provided such that all surfaces normally contacting jet fuel are free of dirt (including sand—blasting agents), metal filings, water, and potential chemical contaminants.
3.2.3 Design and construction of elements Sealing
Element connections shall be sealed by one of the following methods: Pressure relief valve
Each filter/separator shall be fitted with a pressure relief valve to ensure that the design working pressure of the vessel is never exceeded. Water defence system
Filter/separator systems used to refuel aircraft shall be equipped with one of the following water defence systems unless the purchaser agrees to eliminate it:
A water-slug shutoff device as describcd in Section, or
A sump water-level alarm as described in Section, or
A water-absorbing/flow-restricting multi-stage device meeting Section
Note: The implementation of monitoring procedures to assess the contents of the filter sump after aircraft fuelling is accepted by the industry as an alternative to the above hardware-based water defence systems.
3.2.5 Optional filter/separator accessories General
The accessories described in Sections through are optional. Water-slug shutoff device
A water-slug shutoff device is a sensor or float that, automatically, causes the fuel pump to be shut off or a valve downstream of the filter/separator to be closed when water fills the sump of the filter/separator vessel. This device shall be equipped with an external mechanism for testing. If a float control is used, it should be the “ballast” or spring-loaded type, which tests the buoyancy of the float when the external test mechanism is activated. Sums, water—level alarm
A sump water-level alarm is a device that notifies the operator when water fills the sump of the filter/separator vessel. This device shall be equipped with an external mechanism for testing. Sump heaters
In very cold areas, accumulated water can freeze, and clog sumps and drains. Electric jackets or immersion heaters can be provided to remedy this problem.

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