Home>API standards>API SPEC 15HR:2001R2010 pdf download

API SPEC 15HR:2001R2010 pdf download

API SPEC 15HR:2001R2010 pdf download.Specification for High Pressure Fiberglass Line Pipe.
b Gaging Practice for Alternate Pipe Connections
The iiunufacturcr shall own or base access to gages and working gages.
c. The usc of master gages in checking prnducl threads should be minimized. Such use should he confined 10 cases of dispute which cannot be settled by rechecking the working gage against the rekicnce master. Good care should be evercised when the master gage is assembled on a product thread.
5.4.1 Requaliticatiori Tests for Pipe and Prime Connection
Changes as described in Appendix A br previously qualitied systems shall require the following minimum tests:
The king-term static 11145 shall he verified at I5Oi or higher temperature if so rated, after any changes as described in Appendix A by crnducting the abridged ASTM D 2992 Procedure H free-endi test as cksciibcd in Secuon 12 o’ A.STM 1)2992. Test samples shall he assembled by the manufacturer’s documented make-up procedure.
Test samples shall be a size no smaller than 2 in. nominal diameter. The same outside diameter to reinforced wall ratio (flI) constraints as in 5.1.1 shall apply for requalilication.
5.4.2 Requalitication Tests for Other Components
The requalihcation tests of 5.1.2. 5.1.3 and 5.1.4 shall be repeated after any change as described in Appendix A.
6 Process of Manufacture and Material
Pipe furnished to this specification shall be produced by filament winding (FW) or centrirugal casting (CC) methods.
Components furnished to this specification shall be pmduced by compression molding (CM). ccntnfugal casting (CC). filament winding )FW) or resin transfer molding IRTMi methods.
The reinforced wall of pipe and components shall consist of thennosetting polymers reinforced with glass fibers.
Acceptable polymers may include epoxy resins. polyester resins and vinyl ester resins.
Note: Other resins and reinforveinengs shall be csiisidered for inclusian in this standard ishea csklcncc is prescnted to show that they ole suitable fur the oççlicauons covertd by this standard.
7 Quality Program
The n nufaciurer shall maintain a quality manual All poor resisions shall be retained fur a period ol not less than 5 years.
Manufacturer shall instoute and maintain a process documentation pntram to assure communication ot approved manulaLmunng procedures to qualified receising. ntanut.tcwring and quality control personnel and their respecimse supervisors personnel to include the following functions:
a. Raw material acceptance.
b. AllowaNe mixing procedure(s).
c. Fabrication peactice(s).
d. Cure procedure(s).
Ii shall tie the responsibility of the manufacturing company to maintain copies of the docunsent for a minimum o15 years Ironi the date the manulnctunng of the product is discontin
7.3.1 General
Equipment used to inspect, test or examine nsateiial 4W other equipment shall be identified. controlled. calibrated and adjusted at specified intervals in accordance with documented manufacturer instructions, and Consistent with referenced industry standards to maintain the axuracy required by this specification.
7.3.2 Dimensional Measuring Equipment
Dimensional measuring equiprnern shall be controlled and calibrated by the manufacturer’s written specification.
7.3.3 Pressure Measuring Devices
a. Test pressure measunng devices shall be either pressure gages or pressure transducer and shall be accurate to 2.0% of full scale range or less.
b. The manufacturer shall own or have access to a dead weight testing device.
c. All pressure measuring Jesices shall he calibrated once esers 6 months to maintain the required accuracy or calibrated when subjected to unusual or severe conditions, such as. suuld render its accuracy questionable
7.4.1 HydrostatIc Mill Test.

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