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API Spec 16D:2004(2013) pdf download

API Spec 16D:2004(2013) pdf download.Specification for Control Systems for Drilling Well Control Equipment and Control Systems for Diverter Equipment.
At least two control stations shall be provided. The hydraulic control manifold may sent as one of those control stations. At least one control station shall be full function.
Surtice and suissea control functliw) circuitry shall be sellcontained such that a leak or failure in one component or circuit element shall not cause the operation of any other function.
11w surface and subsea control system manutacturer’s design and component selection process shall ensure that commodity items. sub.sendor materials, and the manutacturer’s own equipment meet or exceed appls.itble industry staisiards and these specihcattons
The purchaser shall provide complete description of. and functional specification for
a. The equipment to be operated;
lx Service conditions; and
c. Any application details neces.sary for the manufacturer to design and build a control system that complies with these specifications.
Annexes A and H serve as checklists for the purchaser to specify which functions are to be controlled, Annex A is a form to be used by the purchaser to spccif the operating and intertce requirements of a surface eontnfl system. Annex H is a farm to be used by the purchaser to specify the operating and interface requirements of a subsea control system
4.3.2 Hydraulic Control Manifold
The hydraulic control manifold is the assemblage or hydraulic control salves, ttgulators and gauges from which the system funcdons are directly operated. It allows manual regulation of the power fluid pressure to within the rating specified by the HOP man ufaciurer. The hydraulic control manifold provides direct pressure reading of the various supply and regulated pressures.
An isolation valve with nominal bore sow at least equal to the control manifold supply piping size shall be provided for supply of control fluid from an alternate source. This sake shall be plugged when not in use.
A minimum of two (2) independent hydraulic pressure control circuits shall be pros ided (typically. manifold and annular HOP regulated pressure circuits). Common Pressure Control Manifold
The hydraulic control manifold includes a common power fluid supply, pressure regulation and control s-zdsn for operation of the nun HOPs and choke and kill salves. This circuit shall be provided with a manifold regulator bypass salve or other means to increase the manifold pressure, not to exceed working pressure of the stack systent operators. The manifold shall be designed to function at system rated working pres.sure in an emergency. Annular BOP Control ManIfold
The manifold components shall include a dedicated pressure regulator to reduce upstream manifold pressure to the power fluid pressure level that meets the H( N’ manufacturer’s recommendations. The regulator shall respond to pressure changes on the downstream side with sensitivity sufficient to maintain the set pressure ± 150 psi.
The annular HOP pressure regulator shall be remotely controllable. Direct manual valve and regulator operability shall pennit closing the annular HOP and/or maintaining the set regulated pressure in the event of loss of the remote control capability.
4.3.4 BOP Control Valves, Fittings, Lines and Manifolds Pressure Rating
All valves. fittings and other components such as pressure switches, transducers. transmitters. etc., shall have a rated working pinsure at least equal to the rated working pressure of the system or subsystem in which the component is installed,
Now: Sonr function operating requirvmcnts may altos the use of sufrysueun rated working Jwes.surrs other than the system rated working pressure. PIping Systems
All piping cortiponnits and all threaded pipe connections shall conform to the design and tolerance specifications per ncognired industtyinternational standards Allowable end connection,. include Ihut are not limited tol American National Standard iuper Pipe Thread. SATE industrial o-ring boss port connections, and SAE four-bolt flange connections. Pipe and pipe fittings shall conform to specifications of ANSI H3li or an equivalent recognized international standard. If welded linings are used. (see 114) the welder shall be certified for the applicable qualified procedure required. All rigid or flexible lines between the control system and HOP stack shall he flame retardant, including end connections, and shall have a rated working pressure at least equal to the rated working pressure of the system or subsystem in which the piping is installed.
All control system interconnect piping, tubing, linkages. etc., should be protected from daritage front drilling operations. drilling equipmcnt movcmcnt and day-to-day personnel operations. ElectrIcal Power Supplies
The electrical power supply to electro-pneumatic or electro-hvdnulic panels shall autotnatically switch to an altemate source of electric supply when primary power is interrupted. The alternate source of electric power supply shall be capable of maintaining operation of the remote functions for a minimum of two hours if the primauy source is lost,
5 Categories of Control System Application
Note: Each category listed in Scctuiin I is described in detail in this section,
HOP control systems for surface installations (land rigs. hottom-tounded offshore mobile rigs and platforms) normally supply hydraulic power Ottid as the actuating toediom in a return-to-reservoir circuit, The eletnents of the HOP control system normally include.

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