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API Spec 16F:2004 pdf download

API Spec 16F:2004 pdf download.Specification for Marine Drilling Riser Equipment.
The top of the riser system in laces with the surtax diverter, The dise,lcr system is not ctm-odered to he part of the marine (killing riser system. API RI’ 64 addresses divericr system equipment
I’ksdball JOintS permit r aloe angular iJi’.placement sd tiw nser clenient’. without ccs.ase hettshng str. Iypscally. a Aex/ hall joint iii positioned between the surface divener and the Ickseopic joint and another is positioned below ihe lower riser adapter in the LMRP see 4.l2. (kcasionully an intermediate flex joint is used jui4 below the telescopic joint These lower Ilexible joints transmit axial riser tension Ioads ‘Re upper flcxlball joint pennit.s the riser to accommodate roll, pitch. and offset of the vessel.
Typically, the outer barrel of the telescopic joint connects to the uppenno’J riser joint, and the inner barrel connects to the flex/ball joint at the base o[thc surface disrrtcr The basic function of the telescopic joint also called the slip jotnt. is to continuously adapt the riser length to compensate for the horizontal and Vertical displacement of the vesseL The telescopic joint has a pucker that seal’. between the inner and outer barrel to present fluid leakage from the riser. The telescopIc joint scrses to transnhit the flow of (killing mud as it returns frmuii the well. It typically has terminal fining’. for connecting die clarke. kilL and auxiliary line drape lwaes to the rigid lutes on die riser. A riser tensioner ring is typically attached to OW incu.pcirateii in die upper iWUOiI Of die telescopic 301111 outer Karrel. lt function us to traiisniit the suppiwi loud from the riser tensioner lines to the outer barrel of the telescopic joint In some Cases. it permits rotation of the vessel around the riser.
A riser Joini is typically an assembly of 05cr pipe. coupling lxii and pin, choke and kill lines. auxiliary lines. chuuke/killiauxiliary line support brackets, and other LIesa-es tir guidance and/or supporting buoyancy modules, Riser couplings jwoside a means ol quickly connecting and disconnecting riser joints. Riser couplings also provide a landinglsuppoml shoulder to transmit the weight oldie deployed sthng to the riser spider while the riser it being deployed or rcthcved The couplings also proside support points for choke. kill, and auxiliary lines and load reaction points for lxaoya.ncy devices. API Spec 16R and ISO l3625 provide specifications For marine drilling riser couphng’..
Choke and kill lines ron the entire length of the riser and terminate at the BOP The lines are an integrui pan of a riser joint and are equipped with stab-in comwctors They are used for well control and for periodic pressure testing of the flOP Suck. Where relative motions occur between elements of the riser system, flexible bypass lines are used to maintain continuity of the choke and kill lines. Such lative motions may occur between the outer barrel of the telescopic joint and the vessel and across any flex/ball joints in the riser stnng. Auiiliary lines c-an serve ii variety of purposes. including: dnlling fluid circulation (e.g.. “mud boost line”), hydraulic fluid supply For flOP control functions, arid air injection and piloting for air can riser flotation.
The lower riser adapter connects the kns’ennust riser joint to the liextiwll joint on the IMRI’ The upper end is a sLandani riser coupling box or pin and may contain kiclumuts for the choke, kill, arid/or auxiliary lines In facilitate the connection sif the bypass lines around the lower flex joint. It may also have provisions br mounting an internal wear bushing.
The l.MRP is the assembly located at the buittiwn of the drilling riser. Typical components. from top to bottom are:
a. Lower riser adapter.
Ix Flex/ball joint bypass lines for choke, kill and auxiLiary lines.

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