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API St 547:2005 pdf download

API St 547:2005 pdf download.General-purpose Form-wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors- 250 Horsepower and Larger. Hydrodynamic hearing equipped motors shall have a permanent indicator to show the actual limits of total rotor end float and magnec center.
2.4.10 Stator Lamination Core Plate
Stator laniinalboa core plate shall he nEat least C-ct quality in accordance uithASTMA 345, or EN 10126/EN 10165. C3 quality pbte shall not be used in any form. The stator core shall be capable of withstanding winding burnout for rewind at a slalor core temperature of 750’F (400’C.t without damage LW loosening.
2.411 Nameplates, Rotation Arrows and End Float Indicators Nameplates, rotation arrows and end float indicator. shall he of AISI 3(a) series stainless steel. securely fastened by pins of similar material, and attached at readily iihle locations. All information I including title fields shall he pennancntly inscribed. cinhosscd or engraved. Nameplates shall be provided on the motor and on or adjacent to each auxiliary device orjuncsion box. As a minimum, the data listed below shall he included on the motor’s nameplatels).
a Manufacturer’s name I,. Serial number.
c. Horsepower or kilowatts.
d. Voltages.
e. Phase.
f. Full load power factor and efficiency. g. Frequency. in hettz.
h. For anu friction bearings, the ABMA bearing designation.
i Full-load current lamps).
j. Locked-rotor amperes amps and safe stall time (hot and cold).
k. Full-load speed, in revolutions per minute.
I. Time rating.
m.Teinpcrature rise, in degrees Celsius: the masimum ambient or cooling-air temperature for which the motor was designed: and the insulation system’s class designation.
n. Servece factor.
o. Number of’ starts per hour.
p. Location of the magnetic center and end float limits
q. Enclosure type.
r. Total motor weight and rotor wcighL
s. Year of manufacture. Separate nectal diagnnns or data nameplates shall be located near the appropriate connection box For the following:
a. Motors with more than three power leads.
lx Space heaters t operating voltage and wattage, and for Class I. Division 2. locations, the NfPA 70 . titication number for space heaters).
c. Temperature detectors iesistance. in ohms, or junction type).
d Coniicctions of proper rotation including hidireetiotial,.
• When specified, the purchaser’s identification infnnnation shall be stamped on a separate nameplate.
3 Accessories
3.1.1 Terminal boxes and auxiliary equipmern enclosures shall he constructed of cast or nodular iron, cast steel, cast aluminum, steel plate, or aluminum plate with a minimum rigidity equisaknt to that of steel plate with a noinmal thicknes.s of tls in. (3 mm). Minimum dimensions and usable solumes of the main terminal box shall not he less than thosc specilieslbyNEMAMG I Part 2OType II.
3.1.2 Accessory leads shall terminate in a box or boxes separate from the main terminal box.
3.1.3 As a minimum, terminal boxes and auxiliary equipment enclosures shall meet the requirements for 1P54 (NEMA 4t weather protection and fur the area classification shown on the data shects.
The terminal boxes shall he suitable br conductor entry as specified on the data sheets and fully accexsible from the front.
All auxiliary device wires shall be terminated on 600 V rated terminal blocks.
All veriical gaskeled surfaces shall he provided with a drip shield at the top. The gasket material shall be impervious to oil attack. Type test and or design information shall he supplied when requested on identical gasket material to verify that this requirement has been satisfied.
3.1.4 Grounding for field wiring inside terminal box shall conform to the requirements of NF.MA MCi I Part 4 or IEC 60072.

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