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API st 582:2001 pdf download

API st 582:2001 pdf download.Welding Guidelines for the Chemical, Oil, and Gas Industries.
As an alternative, the WI’S may reference a separate project-specific PWHT procedure.
9.3 For special heal treating methods such as induction and internally fired, the process and heat treating package must be approved by the purchaser pnor to the project
9.4 Unless waived by the purchaser. PQR hardness testing shall be performed to verify that hardness requirements can be met following a specified PWIIT.
Ccrnwwnrun’: Testing is often waived when PWHT is performed for reasons such as dimensional stability or construction code thickness requirements.
9.4.1 When testing is performed due to service conditions (NACE RP0472, or as defined by purchaser). testing requiretints and methods given in 12.6.1 shall be used for PQR testing, unless otherwise specified by the purchaser.
9.4.2 When testing is performed for reasons other than service related conditions, testing requirements shall he specified by the purchaser
9.5 Production hardness testing may he required by the purchaser to verify adequacy of heat treatments. The purchaser may specify testing requirements as noted in 12.6.2, or define company specific trquirements.
9.6 PWHTofaustenitic stainles.s steel or non-ferrous alloys requires approval by the purchaser.
9.7 Except for weld overlays, welding procedure quafitication tests for austenitic stainless steel to femtic steel welds shall employ thc mainium PWHT temperature limit specified in the wclding procedure whenever the stainless steel is heated above I MXrF (705’V).
9.8 Repainng a postwekl heat-treated component without PWHT requires that the repair meet all applicahie construction code requirements. or follows NB-23 or API 510. Purchaser approval shall be obtained prior to performing the repair.
(‘nnwwmssn’: If postweld heat treatment was originally conducted due to service requiteitsents. specifically environmental cracking prevention. por.tweld heat treatment should he considered.
9.9 When repairs are made to cladding or overlay welds on low alloy steels without subsequent PWHT. a minimum remaining clad or overlay thickness 01 to in. (5 mm) is required unless it can he demonstrated that no new HAL is formed in the base metal with thinner overlay.
9.10 Exemption from code required PWHT for tcmtic niaterials based on the use of austenitic or nickel-based filler materials is not permitied.
9.11 Code exemption from PWHT for P4 and P5 materials is not pcrmittcd for applications in sour or hydrogen setsice or where the nominal chromium coment of the matcnal exceeds I 25.
10 Cleaning and Surface Preparation
10.1 The methods for cleaning base metal surfaces to be welded shall be described in the WI’S.
10.2 I-or equipment that will be coated following fabrication. the purcha.scr should specify the extent of any additional weld surface preparation nquiremeiirs.
10.3 Welding shall not be performed when the base metal surface ix wet or damp.
10.4 For double-welded joints, the backside of the joints shall be cleancdigouged to sound metal unless it can he demonstrated that an acceptable weld can be made without this operation.
10.5 All slag shall he removed from the backskf.e of each completed austenilic stainless steel or nickel-based alloy weld, unless otherwise permitted by the purchaser.
10.6 Aluminum flake weld-through primers may be used for weld joint surface protection. The WPS should indicate the weld-through primer by type and brand. The use of other type weld-through primers or coatings is not permitted unlcxx approved by the purchaser. and the purchaser may require additional procedure qualifications or weldabiliiy tests.
11 Special Procedure Qualification RequirementsiTesting
11.1.1 PQRs for all welding processes shall include the re-suIts of any additional tests when specificd Sonic examples are:
a. Hardness testing: Record hardness rcsulis and Location (e.g.. weld metal, H Al., and base metal I.
b. Impact tesling: Record the absorbed energy values with test temperature. specimen sire. percent she-ar and lateral expansion when requiredt for specified notch locations (e.g.. weld metal. HAZ. and base metal).

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