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API St 611:2008(2019) pdf download

API St 611:2008(2019) pdf download.General-purpose Steam Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services.
special tool
A tool which is not a commercially available catalog item,
A service state in wtiidi a piece of equipment that is normally idle or idling and is capable of immediate automatic or
manual start-up for continuous operation.
A plate usually embedded in a concrete foundation and used to accurately locate and align a baseplate or mounting
NOTE Normally only the surface which interfaces with the baseplate or mounting plate Is machined.
total Indicator reading (TIR), also known as total Indicated runout
The difference between the maximum and minimum readings of a dial indicator or similar desnce, monitoring a face or cylindrical surface during one complete revolution of the monitored surface.
NOTE For a perfectly cylindrical surface, the Indicator reading Implies an eccenincity equal to half the reading. For a perfectly flat face, the Indicator reading gives an out.d squareness equal to the reading If the cameter fri question Is not perfectly cylindncal or flat, interpretation of the meanIng of TIR Is more complex and can represent ovality or Iootng
trip speed
The speed at which the independent emergency overspeed device operates to shut down the turbine.
NOTE The trip speed settlig can vary with the class of governor.
unit responsibility
The responsibdity for coordinating the documentation, delivery and technical aspects of the equipment and all auxiliary systems induded In the scope of the order.
NOTE The technical aspects to be considered include, but are not Irnited to, such factors as the power requirements, speed. rotation. general arrangement, oolings. dynamics, noise, lubrication, sealing system, material test repofls, mstrumentation, puing, conformance to specdcations. and testing of components
vendor (also known as supplier)
The agency that supplies the equipment.
NOTE The vendor can be the manutactwer or manufacturer’s agent that supplies the equçment and is normally responsible for service Support
An inspection or test where the purchaser is notified of the timing of the inspection or test and a hold is placed on the inspection or test until the purchaser or his representative is in attendance.
6.2.3 Internal socket-type, slotted-nut, or spanner-type bolting shall not be used unless specifically approved by the purchaser.
For limited space locations, integraIy flanged fasteners may be required.
6.2.4 Fasteners (excluding washers and headless set-screws) shall have the material grade and manufacturers identification symbols applied to one end of studs 10 mm (3t8 in.) in diameter and larger and to the heads of bolts 6 mm (1)4 In.) In diameter and larger. If the available area is inadequate, the grade symbol may be marked on one end and the manufacturet’s identification symbol marked on the other end. Studs shall be marked on the exposed end. Studs, shall be marked on the exposed end
NOTE A set screw is a headless screw with an internal hex opening on one end,
6.3 Pressure Casings
6.3.1 All pressure parts shall be at least suitable for operation at the most severe coincident conditions of pressure and temperature expected for the specified steam conditions.
NOTE Design at no load can affect the use of cast won.
6.3.2 The hoop stress values used in the design of the casing for any material shall not exceed the values given for that material in ASME Sectn II at the maximum operating temperature. For cast matenals the factors specified m ASME Section VIII, Division 1, shall be applied, Pressure casings of forged steel, rolled and welded steel plate or seamless piping with welded covers shall comply with the applicable design rules of ASME Section VIII. Division 1 or Division 2.
Manufacturing data report forms, third party inspections, and stamping as specified in the ASME Code are not required.
6.3.3 Axially split casings shall use a metal-to-metal joint (with a suitable joint compound) that is tightly maintained by suitable bolting. Gaskets (induding string type) shall not be used on the axial joint. if gasketed joints are used on radially split casings, they shall be securely maintained by confining the gaskets.
6.3.4 Each axially split casing shall be sufficiently rigid to alow removal and replacement of its upper half without disturbing rotor-to-casing running clearances.
6.3.5 Axially split horizontal turbines shall be designed to permit inspection and removal of the rotor and wearing parts without removing the casing from its foundation or disconnecting inlet or exhaust steam piping (except if up- exhaust is specified). Axially Split multi-stage turbine casings may also be split radially between high- and low- pressure portions.
6.3.6 Radially split horizontal turbines shall be designed to pemiit inspection and replacement of the bearings and outer glands without removing the casing from its foundation or disconnecting inlet or exhaust steam piping. Radially split horizontal turbines may require removal from their foundations to permit removal of rotors.

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