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API STD 2015:2001 pdf download

API STD 2015:2001 pdf download.Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks.
3.2.31 hazardous (substance) material: A substance or material that is capable of harming people. oilier materials. property or the environment. These substances may be liquid. solid or gaseous and toxic, corrosive, flammable, reactive, or otherwise hazardous.
3.2.32 hot work: Any work that has the potential to produce enough thermal energy to provide an ignition source in an area where a potential exists for a flammable gas or vaporin-air atmosphere in the explosive (flammable) range to occur.
3.2.33 hot work permit: The employer’s owner/opcrator and contractor) written authoritaiion to perfirm hot work operations or tise equipment (including. hut not limited to. open flames, welding, cutting, grinding, burning, heating. use of internal combustion engines and non-explosion proof electric motors) capable of producing a source of ignition.
3.2.34 immediately dangerous to life or health (IDLH): Any condition that poses an immediate or delayed threat to life or that would cause irreversible adverse health effects or that would interfere with an entrant’s ability to escape unaided from a permit required confined space. For example, an oxygen deficient atmosphere is considered IDLH. Some toxic materials, such as hydrogen fluoride gas and cadmium vapor, may produce immediate transient etTects that even if severe. may pass without medical attention, but are flillowed by sudden, possibly fatal collapse 12 1072 hours afier exposure. The exposed worker “feels normal” from recovery from transient effects until collapse. Such materials in hazardous quantities are considered to be “immediately” dangerous to life or health (ll)LH. Other toxic substances, such as hydrogen sulfide, immediately desensitize a person so that continued exposure is no longer noticed. Certain irritation effects may also impede the entrant’s ability to escape penn it required confined spaces.
3.2.35 inerting: The displacement of’ hydrocarbon gas or potentially flammable atmosphere in a permit required con- lined space. This is accompiished by using an inert gas that is noncoinhusti He. non-contaminating and lion-reactive (for example. nitrogen) or a gas containing an insuflicient amount of oxygen to support combustion (for example. flue gas), to such an extent that the resuhant atmosphere is non combustible or non reactive.
CAUTION: Use of inert gas or flue gas creates an IDLH oxygen deficient atmosphere).
3.2.36 instruments: The oxygen monitors, combustible gas indicators and toxic substance analyzers (measuring equipmcnu used to test (or sample) atmospheric conditions and determine, indicate, measure and monitor the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere and presence of hazardous substances. including percentage of flammable gas or vapor-in- air and concentrations of toxic substances.
3.2.37 isolation: The process by which a permit required conlined space or non-permit conlined space is removed from service (decommissioned and completely protected against the release of energy or material into the space. Isolation includes, but is not limited to. blanking or blinding:
breaking. misalignment of, opening or removing sections of lines or pipes: using a double block and bleed system; lockout or tag-out of all sources of energy: locking, sealing, and tagging all valves: and blocking and disconnecting all mechanical linkages.
3.2.38 lead free tank: A tank that has been certitied by the owner/operator us never having been used to store leaded gasoline, lead additives or products that have contained lead, Alternately, a tank that has been cleaned according to this standard. tcs*ed for lead-in-air and found to have an internal atmosphere below the applicable limit for exposure to organic lead. Entry supervisors shall be aware of applicable regulatory requirements for exposure to lead (such as U.S. DOL OSI-IA 29 CFR 19l0.l000). At the time of publication of this standard, the OSI-IA permissible exposure limit was 0.075 milligrams of organic lead per cubic meter (2 micrograms of organic lead per cubic foot).

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