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API STD 510:2001 pdf download

API STD 510:2001 pdf download.Pressure Vessel lnspection Code:Maintenance Inspection, Rating,Repair, and Alteration.
The o nertuser shall specify industry-qualified UT shear wave examiners when the owner/user requires the
Ibllowing: (a) detection ol’ interior surflcc (1D breaking planar Ilaws when inspecting front the external surIwc (01)); or (h) whcrc detection, charactcrization, and/or through-wall sizing Is required of planar del’ects. ApplicatiOn examples for the use ol’ such industry—qiaali lied UT shear vavc examiners include fltncss-for-scn’iec and fUture monitoring of known interior flaws li’om the exter— nal surface. The requirement for USC of indUstry—qualifie(1 UT shear wave examiners becomes eflctkic two years alier puhlieaiioii in (his code or addendum.
‘[lie ft1 lowing inspections are not all inclusive br every vessel. but they do inclu(le the features that are common to most vcsscls and that are most important. Authoriicd pressure vessel inspectors must supplement this list with any additional items necessary for the particular vessel or yesscis involved.
a. l’xaminc the surfaccs of shells and heads carefUlly for possible cracks, blisters, bulges, and other signs of’ delenoration. Pay particular attenuon to the skirt and to suppon-attachmeiit and knuckle regions ol’ the heads. II’ evidence ol’ distortion is found, it may be necessary IA) make a detailed check ol’ the actual contours or principal dimensions of the vessel and to compare those contours and dimensions widi the original design details.
h. Examine welded joints and the adjacent heat-afEcted zones fur service-induced cracks or other de1xts. On riveted vessels, eamine rivet head, hull strap, plate, and eatilked edge conditions. If rivet-shank corrosion is suspcctod. hammer testing or spot radiography at au angle to the shank axis may be useful.
c. Examine the surlàces ol all manwavs. noizles, and other openings fur distortion, cracks, and other dcfccts, paying particuLar attention to the welding used 10 attach the pails and heir rem lorcemenLs. Normally, wee holes in rein (breing plates should remain open to provide visual evidence of leakage as vell as to prevent pressure build-up in the caity. Examine accessible flange faces for distortion and determine the condition of gasket-seating surfluccs.
API Recommended Practice 574 provides more inf’orma(ion on the inspection of’ piping, valves, and fittings associated wäh pressure vcsls. API Recommended Practice 572 provides more inlbrmation on pressure vessel inspection.
Corrosion may cause a unilbnn loss (a general, relatively een wastage ol’a surface area) or may cause a pitted appearance (an obvious, irregular surface wwagc). Unithrn corrosion may be difficult to detect visually, and thickness readings may be necessary to determine its extent. Pitted sur1jces may he thinner than they appear visually, and when there is uncertainly about the original surface Location, thickness dctcrnünations may also be necessary.
The iriinimum actual thickness and niaximuni corrosion rate Ibr any part ola vessel may be adjusted at any inspection. When the minimum actual thickness or maximum corrosion rate is to be adjusted, one oldie follow [rig should be considered:
a. Any suitable nondestructive examination, such as ultrasonic or radiographic examination, that will not alicci the satIDty ot the vcs..scl may he used as long as it will provide minimum thickness determinations. When a measurement method produces con sidcrahl C uflcCrta i my. test holes may be drilled, or oilier nondestructive techniques, such as ultrasonic A-sean. B-scan, or U-scan, may he employed. Profile radiography may he also employed.
h. If suitable openings are available, measurements may he taken through them.
c. 1’lic depth of corrosion may he determined by gauging the uneorrodcd surfaces within the vessel when such surfaces arc in the vicinity of the corroded area.
ci For a cornxlcd area ol considerable si/C ill liic1i the cir— cunifcrcntial strcsscs goverti, the least thickness along the most critical element of the area may be averaged over a length not exceeding the following.

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