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API Std 537:2003 pdf download

API Std 537:2003 pdf download.Flare Details for General Refinery and Petrochemical service.
b. The system is nOt enclosed. If the flame front line is plugged. a combustible mixture could back flow out the mixer. If this is the case, do not initiate the spark. Never look into the mixer when igniting.
c. These systems seldom service more than one pilot: hence there are rarely valves downstream of the mixer.
d. These systems arc usually installed vertically with ‘cry lit- tic horitontal piping. Consequently. these systems usually have no drains.
e. When the fuel supply is stopped, flashback may occur in the mixture ubc. The user shsild decide whether special measures are required to mitigate this flashback. OperatorTraining
A plan for periodic training of operators in the use of pilot ignition equipment should be implemented. The training should prepare the operator to properly operate the ignition equipment under adverse or Urgent conditions.
5.3.5 Maintenance
Routine maintenance of systems that provide a spark at the pilot is limited due to (heir locaion. Generally. these systems can only be accessed when the flare is out of service. When the flare is taken out of service, these systems shou](I be cleaned, inspected, arid replaced. if necessary.
Routine IllairItenance of flame Irnrit generator sySLeIIls is focused on keeping the system dry and clear as well as maintaining the valves, gauges. and spark generator.
The system should be installed with drain(s) a all low spots. The drains should be left closed when not in use, but should be opened and cleaned regularly. The reason for leaing the drains closed when not in use is twofold:
a. If the drains are left open. exhaust gas from the pilot may circulate down through the flame front generator, promoting water condensation, corrosion and accumulation of moisture.
b. If the drains are left open and accidentally not closed prior
a vapor cloud explosion could be generated in the
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The pilot ignition system should be treated as an important safety control system and should be inspected and mainained on the sehedule the plan Uas established for such sateh sy
wiU. I iic iuci 41IU 411 UiIIIS 4S WULI 4S uic 1114)’ U4- sionally require cleaning. The pressure gauges nmy occasionally require replacement or recalibiation. The spark generator ma also require some routine service, such as adjusting the spark gap Periodic functional checkout should be part of the normal maintenance procedure and can be coinbined with an ongoing training regimen for the operators.
5.3.6 Troubleshooting
Determination if a pilot flame has failed is covered in Section 5.4 on flame detection. If a pilot is known to have, tailed and will not re-ignite. it is important to tIrst understand the whether the problem is the pilot or the ignition system. Pilot problems can result from the #rrong pilot fuel, no 1)1101 fuel. improper fuel air mixture, or loss of stability. The causes of these problems are discussed in Section 5.2.6. The ignition system twublesliuoung should be perfuriued first because it can be done to a large extent without requiring a plant shutdown. See Table 4 for ignition system troubleshooting.
5.4.1 Purpose
The flame detection system confirms that the pilots are lit. This is often confused with simple confirmation that a flame exists. While these two statements are usually synonymous. there is an important ditlerence. It’ the pilots are lit and a vol ume of inert gas is released, the flare flame will be extiniiiched only while the inert s i heinz dicchared. If the pilots arc not lit, but the flare is. and a voluiue oF men gas is released, the flare flame will remain extinguished alter the inert gas release and until a pilot can be ignited. If the pilots are not lit because they have failed, the flare may remain unlit tbr an extended period of time. Consequently. it is important to confirm both the presence of a flame and also the presence of a pilot tiarne.

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