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API STD 662-1:2006 pdf download

API STD 662-1:2006 pdf download.Plate Heat Exchangers for General Refinery Services-Part 1—Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchangers.
6 Drawings and other data requirements
6.1 Drawings
6.1.1 The vender shall submit general arrangement drawings for each plate-and-frame heat exchanger for review. The drawings shall include the following information:
a) service, item number, project name and location, vendor’s shop order number and purchaser’s order number:
b) design pressure, test pressure, maximum design temperature, minimum design metal temperature and any restrictions regarding testing or operation of the plate-and-frame heat exchanger;
c) dimensions and location of supports:
d) overall exchanger dimensions;
e) maximum and minimum compressed plate pack length;
1) side clearance required for plate removal;
g) mass of the plate-and-frame heat exchanger, both empty and full of water:
h) centre of gravity of the exchanger for empty and operating conditions:
I) corrosion allowance;
j) material specifications for all components;
k) allowable forces and moments on connections;
I) size, flange rating and facing, location, orientation, and flow identification of all connections;
m) applicable design codes:
n) number of plates Installed and maximum number of plates for specified frame;
o) gasket materials and attachment method (e.g. glued, clip-on, etc.),
6.1.2 The vendor shall recommend the tools needed for the assembly and maintenance of the plate-and-frame heat exchanger. If torqulng of bolts Is required, the vendor shall provide torqulng procedures.
6.1.3 The review of general configuration drawings by the purchaser shall not relieve the vendor of the responsibility of meeting the requirements of the purchase order.
6.1.4 After receipt of the purchasers general arrangement drawing review comments, the vendor shall furnish the certified general configuration drawings and the detail drawings.
6.1.5 If specified by the purchaser, the vendor shall furnish copies of applicable welding procedure specifications and weld map for review or record.
6.1.6 If specified by the purchaser, the vendor shall furnish copies of applicable calculations for review or record.
7.6.6 If specified by the purchaser, the vendor shall provide details of the reaction at the support points.
7.6.7 If specified by the purchaser, plate-and-frame heat exchangers shall be equipped with a shroud to protect against spray leaks.
7.6.8 If specified by the purchaser, a suitable fire protection shroud shall be provided. The level of protection shall be specified by the purchaser. For further information see A.6.
7.6.9 If specified by the purchaser, plate-and-frame heat exchangers shall be equipped with a drip tray.
7.6.10 All units shall have two earthing lugs, one connected at each end of the frame.
7.7 Connections
7.7.1 Connections shall be bolted and shall be of either studded or flanged design. For flanged design, the connection shall be welded to the cover,
7.7.2 The use of studded and/or flanged connections and facings shall be specified on the data sheet.
7.7.3 Drilled and tapped holes for studded connection bolts shall not pass completely through the cover plate. The hole shall be threaded for a minimum length of one times the stud diameter and the minimum undrilled thickness remaining in the cover shall be no less than one-fourth of its thickness.
77.4 The plate-and-frame heat exchanger shall be self-draining and self-venting through the connections for all pass arrangements.
7.7.5 For alloy-lined connections, the minimum thickness of the lining shall not be less than the plate thickness.
7.7.6 The projection of flanged connections shall be of sufficient length to allow installation and removal of
the flange bolts from either side of the flange.
71.7 All bolt holes for flanged or studded connections shall straddle centrelines.
7.7.8 Connection sizes of DN 32 (NPS 1-1/4), DN 65 (NPS 2-1/2), DN 90 (NPS 3-112) or DN 125 (NPS 5) shall not be used.
7.7.9 For alloy nozzles, the purchaser shall define requirements for either solid or lined connections, Including any connections fitted into the nozzle necks.
7.7.10 Connections shall be designed to withstand suitable forces (F) and moments (M) induced by the plping. Tables 1 and 2 indicate a suitable Initial estimate of primary loadings for connections either In standard or severe service. Unless otherwise specified by the purchaser, standard nozzle loadings as shown in Table 1 shall be used. Directions of forces and moments shall be as shown in Figure 3.

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