Home>API standards>API STD 670:2000R2010 pdf download

API STD 670:2000R2010 pdf download

API STD 670:2000R2010 pdf download.Machinery Protection systems.
5.4.1 General The entity with system responsibility for the monitor system shall provide documentation certifying compliance with all provisions of this standard. Unless otherwise specified, signal processing! alarm/integrity comparison, display/indication, and all other features and functions specified in Section 5.4 shall be contained in one contiguous enclosure (rack) (refer to Figure I). At minimum, each monitor system shall be provided with the following features and functions:
a. A design ensuring that a single circuit failure tpower source and monitor system power supply excepted) shall not affect more than two channels of radial shaft vibration, axial position, casing vibration, speed indicating tachometer. or six channels of temperature or rod drop on a single machine case (see note),
Note: The intent of this requirement is to ensure comparable or higher reliibiliy for digital. cumpurcd with analog, monitor systems.
b. When specified. the requirements of Safety Instrumented Systems (SIS) shall apply to some or all of the machinery protection system, and the machinery protection system supplier(s) shall provide the reliability/performance docu. mentation to allow the SIS supplier to determine the safety integrity level for the SIS. SIS requirements are specified by ISA S(4.Ol—l996.
c. When specified, selected channels (or all channels) of the monitor system shall be available in two additional configura. tions uliliiing redundancy or other means:
I. A single circuit iltilure (power source and monitor system power supply exceptcd shall only afThct the olThnding channel and shall not affect the state of alarm relays.
2. A single circuit failure (power source and monitor system power supply included shall only affect the offending channel and shall not affect the slate of alarm relays (see note).
Note: This. requininent is mandatory br all electronic overspeed detection system channek (see S.4.8.4.n and 5.4.l.7.i).
d. All radial shaft vibration, axial position, rod drop, and ca,sing vibration channels. associated outputs. and displays shall have a minimum resolution o 2% 0 full scale. Temperature channels. associated outputs and displays shall have one (I) degree resolution independent of engineering units, Tachometer and electronic overspeed detection system channels. associated outputs, and displays shall have a resolution of one (l)rpm.
f. A method of energizing all indicators for test purposes.
g. Primed circuit boards shall have contbrnial coating to providc protection from moisture, fungus, and corrosion.
Note: Circuit board and backplane connectors may require addi tiorial corftw,ion ICi%t1flCC in Ct1CIflC CIWiflN1IThflt% ithai is, gold- plating. gas Light conflcct(w design. and so forth). Consult the tnachineiy protection system sendor for asailability.
h. When specified, a monitor system provided with an internal timeclock shall have provisions for remotely setting the time and date through the digital communication port of
5.4.l.4e. A monitor system shall include the following signal processing functions and outputs:
a. Isolation to prevent a failure in one transducer from affecting any other channel.
b. A means of indicating internal circuit faults, including transducer system failure, with externally visible circuit fault indication for each individual channel. A no-fault condition shall be positively indicated (kw example. lighted). A conimon circuit fault relay shall be provided for each monitor system. A circuit fault shall not initiate a shutdown or affect the shutdown logic in any way except as noted in paragraphs and 5.43.4.
c. Individual buffered output connections for all system transducers (except temperature) via front-panel bayonet nut connector (BNC) connectors and rear panel connections. When specified. the monitor system may employ connectors other than BNC or locations other than the front panel.
d. Gain adjustment for each radial shaft vibration and axial position channel. Gain adjustment shall be factory calibrated for 7,g7 millivolts per micrometer (200 millivolts per mil).
e. A digital output proportional to each measured variable shall be provided at a communications port located at the rear of the monitor system. A short circuit of this output shall not affect the machinery protection system and the output shall follow the measured variable and remain at full scale as long as the measured variable is at or above full scale. Unless otherwise specified, the protocol utilized for this standard digital output shall be Modicon Modhus.

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