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API TR 10TR5:2008 pdf download

API TR 10TR5:2008 pdf download.Methods for Testing of Solid and Rigid Centralizers.
6 Impact Test Consisting of Dynamic Loading Applicable to Hinged-type Rigid Centralizers
6.1 Test Apparatus and Description of the Test
This is considered a very severe test, and can be used to differentiate various designs. The test device (see Figure 4) applies a predetermined dynamic load to the end rings of a hinged-type rigid centralizer The upper-end ring retainer, or clamp, which supports the upper collar of the centralizer, Is part of the main structure, A second end ring retainer Is located on the lower end of the traveling shaft used to apply the dynamic load. This lower clamp supports the lower collar of the centralizer being tested. The dynamic load is applied by dropping a traveling fixed weight a predetermined cstance. The resulting load is absorbed by the two end collas of the centralizer being tested. The holding ability of the centralizer design under dynamic loading conditions can be determined using successive dynamic impacts.
6.2 SIgnificant Test Parameters
6.2.1 Size of the Pre-selected Dynamic Load
As the weight is increased, the dynamic load on the centralizer increases. A weight of approximately 1500 Ibm is recommended.
6.2.2 Drop Distance for the WeIght
The drop distance will also affect the results and should be consistent across all the comparison tests. A distance no greater than two (2) feet is recommended.
6.2.3 Number of Dynamic Impacts
The recommended maximum number of impacts is twenty (20). However in some cases, the user may apply repeated impacts to cause failure of the centralizer.
6.3 Recommended Test Parameters for Different Size Centralizers
Iso 1 1960 for non-upset pipe. Burrs or similar defects should be removed prior to testing. The restriction sleeve should also be of sufficient length to allow passage of the entire length of the centralizer through the restriction,
An axial load shall be applied to the top of the inner test casing to force the centralizer against or through the
restriction sleeve while recording the load applied, Suggested load rate should be 500 1f to 1,000 IbI per second.
The test should be continued until the centralizer fails, is completely inside the restnction, or a maximum load of
50.000 lbf has been applied.
7.4 Partial Circumferential Loading Test (Rigid Centralizer Only)
The purpose of this test is to simulate the effect of running rigid centralizers through a key-seat or past a ledge. The centralizer is pushed through a partial circular restriction smaller than the 00 of the centralizer. The test assembly as configured with an internal circumferential partial bore restriction (see Figure 9). A typical test set-up is shown in Figure 10.
The restriction sleeve should be within the tolerances indicated in ISO 11960 for non-upset pipe. Burrs or similar defects should be removed prior to testing. The restriction sleeve should also be of sufficient length to allow passage of the entire length of the centralizer through the restriction. The circumferential angle of the restriction is selected by the user. Suggested angles are 90 or 45 degrees of the inner circumference of the outer casing.
An axial load shall be applied to the top of the inner test casing to force the centralizer against or through the restriction sleeve while recording the load applied. Suggested load rate should be 500 to 1.000 lbf per second. The test should be continued until the centralizer fails, Is completely inside the restriction, or a maximum load of 50.000 lbf has been applied.
7.5 Reporting of Test Results
The following information should be reported:
1. size, weight. grade. and type of surface finish of the inner test casing;
2. measured length, internal diameter and 00 of the outer test casing, restriction sleeve, and centralizer before testing:
3. description of restriction and type of test, total circumferential or partial circumferential loading:
4. loading rate and loading technique:
5. load at which permanent deformation or failure initially occurred;
6. maximum load needed to push the centralizer into the restriction;
7. photos and description of the condition of the centralizer following the test, noting any damage and dimensional changes of the centralizer and other test fixtures:
8. centralizer manufacturer, model number, nominal size, number, type, location of attachments to the push mandrel and installation torque on attachment device (it applicable).

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